Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Turning Liabilities Into Assets

I once worked with a woman who was 200 pounds over weight. Her low self-esteem was evident, as she took everything too personally and too seriously. One day she announced that she was going to get thin and she meant business. Out of sheer determination she did it!!! Yes she did it!! No surgery - but pure self-discipline. She was involved with physical therapy, joined a gym, researched nutrition, and went to town on her new mission. Obviously she had hit rock bottom in her pain and decided to do something about it.

Week after week, month after month, year after year, she stayed determined. I respect her immensely for it.

One day, while having lunch with her new thin, bad self, I said " Jane" do you realize what a gift you have? You can share your story with everyone. There are so many overweight and hurting people in the world, you can give encouragement, give hope, give support."
(Wow, I thought to myself! Heck, she could write a book, have seminars, oh my goodness, the possibilites were endless.)

What she said shocked me! "Oh no, Sharol, I am too embarrased. I don't want anyone to know how big I was."

My stomach sank. Here she was, a Christian, that wants to put her light under a bowl. (Matt: 5:15) I knew the woman quite well, and didn't feel a rebuke would go over well, so I kept my mouth shut. (Perhaps I did the wrong thing - Prov 27:6)

But I pray someday, she develops the self-esteem to realize what she can offer and do it.
Because God can take all of our emotional and spiritual liabilities and turn them into assets for his kingdom. Romans 8:28 "IN ALL THINGS, God works for the good of those who love him.
And it is God that turns our darkness into light. Psalms 18:28.

As of right now, I am struggling with my own hurts, habits and hang-ups, and I am doing my best to get over them so that I can " Let my light shine before men, that they may see my good deeds and praise the Father in heaven" Matthew 5: 16.

God Bless - S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, you don't know me. I'm just another follower of Christ, that just happen to pass by. May God bless what you are doing for Him & in everything, give thanks! :D